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Love in Christ

My dear brothers and sisters, 
Grace and peace from our Heavenly Father to the whole church. We thank God that He answered our wish and prayer, and our meeting was possible. God knows we need messengers like you, that are willing to share His great and unfailing love.

25 Mar 2015 0 comment
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My name is Valerica and I am the mother of four children, three boys and a girl and I can't wait to hold them in my arms again. I will be released in April.

I was baptized in a Baptist church, but after a while I turned my back to God and I got in prison. Here, because of the Christian brothers and sisters that used to come to Aiud (from Aiud I got transferred to Cluj), I woke up like after a nightmare and I asked for forgiveness, grace and God's blessing in my life. I prayed and today I feel free and forgiven. God is with me, in my heart and He guides me in everything I do. I was glad to tears when I sow you again, I missed you all I got to know in Aiud. I prayed that God would made our reencounter possible. Cristina brightened our whole day with her great smile. Personally, she is very dear to me, like sunshine.

Since I am in the penitentiary, my brother and my sister never visited me, my parents died, but God gave me many brothers and sisters that shake my hand, hug me, encourage me and tell me the good news of Jesus's salvation. The coming of brothers and sisters from the other end of the world always touches me because they come with great love and dedication every time. They love us and remeber us. I wander why my brother and sister that are in Romania are not coming? Love in Christ is everlasting, it units us and keeps us together in His hand. My thoughts are so earthly and disturb my soul, but than I remember what God would say and the peace comes upon me, the sadness is washed away. I take my Bible, "eat" it, and I fulfill my days with His Word and in this makes me feel better, because God is my Rock and Shelter in any situation. So I bring Him thanks and praise! 

In the end I would like to tell you that I am on my knees and I pray avery evening together with you, in the name of our Lord, Jesus. I bow at His feet that came looking for me and were pierced in my stead. My prayer is that we would all be able to live our lives in faith and obedience to Him! 

Love in Christ,

Valerica - Gherla Prison, Cluj Section

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