Daniel danciu
Living Hope - A permanent program to assist alcohol addicts
Another project set out to help those around us is the "Living Hope" program, a program started 10 years ago that addresses some people in the city of Cluj addicted to alcohol, offering moral Christian counseling, material assistance consisting of clothing, shoes, sanitary hygiene products, bedding and furnishings, as well as the possibility of serving a warm meal at each meeting. The goal of the program is to acquire and maintain abstinence.
Visit to Cluj-Napoca Zoological Museum
"After work you get rewarded", also the Rescue Foundation's "After School" children, are rewarded monthly for their evolution in school behavior and outcomes. This time, the reward was a visit at the Cluj-Napoca Zoological Museum and a visit to the city's central park where they served lunch and played with the Foundation's volunteers.
Football at the Aiud Penitentiary
Soccer, barbecues, Christian songs and evangelical message were the 19 March activities for 20 young people deprived of their liberty in the Penitentiary of Maximum Security in Aiud.
Cleaning, songs and games in the park of Sannicoara
Laughter and joy was heard on the 18th of March in the park in Sânnicoare, where 10 children from the Rescue Foundation's after-school program, along with 12 volunteers from Denmark's Apostolic Bible School armed with garbage bags, cleaned the entire area of the park.
March 1 - Aiud Penitentiary
The beginning of the spring was also marked at the Aiud Maximal Penitentiary where, along with 30 people in custody of the penitentiary, we made cards to be offered to loved ones.
The love of God shown in the Aiud Penitentiary
The date of February 23 was a joyful day for a group of people deprived of liberty in the Maximum Security Penitentiary Aiud because they were able to meet and hug again their families.
With children at the Cinema
On January 31, 2019, children from the After-School program, who came from disadvantaged families in Cluj County, were rewarded on the occasion of the first semester of this school year, with a visit to the cinema.
West Ham football player at the Aiud Penitentiary
The Aiud Penitentiary's Maximum Security Penitentiary had a surprise visit from professional football players. They came from England and spent about ...
Sunday, 22 December 2024 11:04