Friday, November 15 , a few young people from Elim Church we went back to prison in Aiud . Along with us was and Denis Cioban , a young man from Canada through which God worked in his church and in the lives of others. He was with us and told how God release him from the drugs, alcohol and many other sins he was prisoner. The prisoners were moved and many have remembered that there is a God who loves them today no matter what they did. They sang along with us as they have never done it before. We recognize nothingness before God and I praised for what he has done for us : "Nothing is , but you 've given for nothing . " We remembered that all things without Jesus are delusion , so I called him to come in the lives of those who wanted to get laid in father's hand, to live with Jesus. Finally we sit and served cakes made by girls from group and juice. We had a special fellowship with them. We hardly expect a future meeting with them.
God be praised for all !
Camelia Petrule
Elim Church Cluj