A very special event took place on 16th of June in Maximum Security Penitentiary, Outer Cluj Department . Thus, a group of faithful women of Pentecostal Church ”Hope”, Cluj Napoca, brought a strong and exciting incentive to almost 100 women detainees.
So family Dolha: David, Lydia and Angel through their songs, amounted soul hold of these women, and sister Nastasia Ciubancan gave strong encouragement, witnessing how her prayers were answered and God healed her cancer disease .
Part of this group was sister Gabriela Roman, whose husband was a former criminal who came to meet God. She shared with the group her experience, the experience of what it means to be married to an offender to live traumas troubles and problems that such a life can bring, but could confess what God changed in her home , as a result of the meeting between her husband and God and the new life they have together.
The joy that people transformed by God brings to those in trouble is often the basis for positive change for those who are at crossroads who do not know which way to turn. We are grateful and wish that such events to be more frequent in prisons in Romania.