During holy celebrations, a group of "Rescue" collaborators from Barlad Baptist Church, along with a group of volunteers from Brethren Church "Maranatha", visited Vaslui Penitentiary.
Our collaborators wanted to bring joy in the lives of those deprived of liberty, to be a moral support for those broken or abandoned by their families. Being celebrated Easter, the pastor from Barlad spoke about the essence of this holiday, teaching from the Gospels. The remaining group provided gifts as proof of appreciation for the 30 detainees present at the meeting. The gifts contained: soap, shaving cream, chocolate, stamped envelope and moral-religious literature. The ideea was that, besides personal hygiene items, through envelopes offered, to favor communication that the prisoners want to preserve with their families. There were also offered 20 packages for prisoners who are not wanted by their families.
We thank all our collaborators, we also thank all prison staff which enable this kind of meetings and we wish that those who bear the consequences of their actions to find not only a new start but also the power to start on a new path.
i, mulțumim deasemenea cadrelor care fac posibile toate aceste întâlniri și ne dorim ca cei care suportă consecințele propriilor fapte să găsescă nu numai șansa unui nou început dar și puterea de a porni pe un nou drum.