Easter in Targu Mures
Există întâlniri care sunt cu totul speciale, deși sunt destinate persoanelor private de libertate, acestea se desfășoară în spațiu deschis. O astfel de întâlnire s-a desfășurat pentru 11 deținuți ai Penitenciarului Mureș.
There are meetings that are quite special, although they are intended for people deprived of their liberty, they are held in open space. Such a meeting was held for 11 inmates of the Penitentiary, Târgu Mures.
In this respect, on April 12, the Christian community of the Church "Rugul Aprins" organized a special program, in which the special guests were 11 inmates. The purpose of the meeting was to emphasize the true significance of the Passover feast, a feast in which everyone could feel not only the love of God, but also the love of the people arround them. Pastor Dumitru Ioan held a speech that touched the emotional and relational need of those present. The meeting culminated in the moment when each detainee publicly confessed the desire to have a new beginning.
The celebration of this holiday ended with a festive meal, around which both citizens from civil society, prison staff and people deprived of their liberty gathered arround the same table. I think it is important to point out that the purpose of these meetings is not to induce the idea that we are all alike, but to emphasize the truth that at some point in life, we all need a new beginning, and to benefit from this beginning, we often need the help of our peers.
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Wednesday, 22 January 2025 06:59