A new Project In Gherla Penitenciary
This project comes after the express request of the 13 women deprived of liberty, from Gherla Penitentiary, who participated in the project, "Forgiven and released", and who wishes to continue this change process, recognizing in it, a necessity for their life detention, and also in the post-detention period.

This project comes after the express request of the 13 women deprived of liberty, from Gherla Penitentiary, who participated in the project, "Forgiven and released", and who wishes to continue this change process, recognizing in it, a necessity for their life detention, and also in the post-detention period.
We want this project to be a way of helping people deprived of freedom, to guide them to learn how they can gain and develop that character that reigns over the problems of life and leads to a victorious life.
The need to continue the program is understandable, if we think it takes time to change the character and behavior gaps.
The program it's called HOW TO KNOW JESUS?, and is rolling during 12 meetings.The themes discussed, deal with important aspects of the life of any woman who wants to change her life and reintegrate into society.
Each course will be studied at weekly meetings,the participans having the nesseciary time for maditate on the readings, butthey have also the oportunity to express the frustrations or successes about the debat subject.
The activity will including descusion and debates based on the information from course,beseid that ,each participant will be able to express their opinion about those affirmations said by the autor,and also being able to sustained their opinions with exemples from perosnal life, or thoose around them.
The project will run at a weekly frequency between March and July 2017, under the coordination of Mrs. Maria Gatea and of Mr. Costi Pop.
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Friday, 07 March 2025 03:13