Danish tour group
It was great that during 10 to 23 October 2015, we have had among us a group of 6 danish believers who visited several Romanian prisons.
Baptism in Aiud 2015
Miracles happen today also, and when we witness them, our souls are charged with joy.
School supplies for detainees
As we have done before at the beginning of each school year, this fall also we managed to provide school supplies to several inmates in prisons Aiud, Cluj and Mures.
School supplies for prisoners families
In October 2015, a group of danish believers together with volunteers from Romania visited four families who needed help to ensure the necessary school resources for their children.
HANDMADE ART, project completition
On the 25th of September at our office, we held the closing ceremony of the "Handmade art" that took place over a period of three months in prison Gherla outer section Cluj-Napoca, with a total of 13 people detainees.
The first concert
After five weeks of work we see the first fruit, the first concert held in the Greek Catholic Church, Holy Peter, of Cluj Napoca.
Hand Made Art
As part of the project "Handmade Art", we have organized an exhibition with items that were made by women imprisoned at the Maximum Security Penitentiary Gherla, Cluj Napoca Outer Section.
West Ham football player at the Aiud Penitentiary
The Aiud Penitentiary's Maximum Security Penitentiary had a surprise visit from professional football players. They came from England and spent about ...
Monday, 03 March 2025 19:36